academic /ˌæk əˈdɛm ɪk/ (adj) 學術的
-He submitted his plans to the academic sciences .
access /ˈæk sɛs/ (n)存取 (v)進入
-He have access to the files.
assess /əˈsɛs/ (n)評估 評量
-The hurricane damage was assessed at six million dollars.
acknowledge /ækˈnɒl ɪdʒ/ (v)承認 確認
-I acknowledge my mistakes.
deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ (v)否認 拒絕
-I don't deny but that it is difficult.
achieve /əˈtʃiv/ (v)實現
-The results have been achieve.
characteristic /ˌkær ɪk təˈrɪs tɪk/ (n)特色 特性
-Honesty is his characteristic.
statistics /stəˈtɪs tɪks/ (n)統計 統計學
-Get me printout of the statistics.
discrimination /dɪˌskrɪm əˈneɪ ʃən/ (n)區別 歧視
-He is opposed to racial discrimination
element /ˈɛl ə mənt/ (n)元素 元件
-Control element