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1. 應付不同的螢幕解析度(智慧型手機除外)

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encounter  /ɛnˈkaʊn tər/           (v)遭遇  (n)遇見

-This meeting will be the first encounter between the party leaders since the election.

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absolute  /ˈæb səˌlut/          (adj)絕對的

-I have absolute faith in her judgment.

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sturdy  /ˈstɜr di/           (adj)粗壯的 紮實的

- A sturdy table

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construction  /kənˈstrʌk ʃən/           (n)施工 結構

-This website is currently under construction.

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approach  /əˈproʊtʃ/          (n)方法 途徑    
-He provide a new approach.

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